Gran Canaria – Patrick Seabase

Bildschirmfoto 2015-05-07 um 13.19.57

Wir kennen Lanzarote, Madeira und den Dschungel-Flughafen von irgendeiner Nachbarinsel, wo ich in meiner Erinnerung bei 40° Grad im Schatten jederzeit mit einer Cessna gerechnet habe, die Drogen-Pakete mit Fallschirmen abwirft. Gran Canaria ist offenbar eine ebenso großartige Naturgewalt!


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In January 2015 Patrick Seabase explored the volcanic island in the atlantic ocean on his track bike (ratio 47/17). Preparing himself for an upcoming project – he covered 12000m of altitude throughout 25 hours of freeriding within 6 days. "Gran Canaria inspired me to put together an edit, showcasing the beauty of this island." The Song, Musette and Drums from the Cocteau Twins, giving the clip its audial support, is featured on their album "Head over Heels", which was one of the first cassettes Patrick owned when he was a child.


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