VIENNA VELO-CITY2013 | cycling visionaries award


The Cycling Visionaries Awards programme highlights new ideas to evolve cycling cultures around the globe. The programme seeks to support young individuals from different backgrounds and cultural contexts engaged in the evolution of cycling as key to the future of urban mobility. Hand in your ideas and projects for urban cycling! Win a Cycling Visionary Award and participate in the global discourse on urban cycling!


Awards categories

  • Advocacy and Social Projects
  • Science, Research and Development
  • Design, Fashion and Cycling Equipment
  • Urban Planning and Urban Design
  • Cycling and the Arts


Winners of the Cycling Visionaries Awards are entitled to free participation in the foremost global venue on urban cycling, the Velo-city conference, to be held in Vienna, Austria, in June 2013.

During the Velo-city conference, there will be ample opportunities for prize winners to meet leading voices of the global cycling community. Cycling Visionaries will learn more about global cycling cultures, develop their own networks and expand the scope of their work. Moreover, Cycling Visionaries will participate in the Velo-city 2013 conference programme and present their ideas in speed-datings, lectures, round tables or film screenings. Additionally, their work will be published in the Velo-city Vienna conference publication.


The Cycling Visionaries Awards programme is open to ideas and projects covering all fields related to urban cycling. Submissions for the awards will be taken from now until 31 March 2013.


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HARRR, Piratislava

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haha … so, dann mal viel Spass – macht eigentlich nur für in Wien lebende richtig